Thursday, January 3, 2013

Everneath - by Brodi Ashton

I am so excited...I found a new-to-me series!  I received an ARC of Everbound, and decided I needed to quickly read Everneath, the first in the series.  Now, I need to quickly read Neverfall, the novella.  Then I will finally be ready to read Everbound - which will be available January 22.  I am enamored with this series.  I find the characters and setting to be real, in a fantastical sort of way.  I am in love with Jack and Nikki, and intrigued with Cole.  The setting is out of this world - quite literally.  And my favorite test...I couldn't put it down. 

I went into this series blindly.  Therefore, I want to keep it that way for you.  Let me just say...from Goodreads ..."Everneath is a captivating story of love, loss, and immortality..."

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