Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Slice # 3 - Writing Goals

Last year, I signed up for Teachers Write, on Kate Messner's blog, but it started right during our vacation...so I didn't follow through.

This year, I signed up for Teachers Write, and it started right during our vacation...but, I have set goals, and I think it will be an amazing journey!

This week, we are in the mountains of Montana along Rock Creek River in a one-room cabin.  Wi-fi will be limited, but won't hinder my summer writing journey.  It will enhance it.

I have a bit of a rule-follower personality, so I have learned to take advantage of this and set rules for myself.

Rule #1: Join in with Teachers Write whenever I can.
                This means, I give myself permission to not attend perfectly, the way
                I like to do things.
                Catch up if I've missed a day.
                Read the post when I'm in town.
                Write when I can.

Rule #2: Keep up with my writer's notebook by writing every single day.
               This means, no excuses for not writing something.
                I can repeat a quick-write.
                I can hone in on my observation skills.
                Take advantage of this beautiful place with such clean air, beautiful
                scenery, roaring rivers, and wondrous creatures. observe. write.

Rule #3: If I need something more - keep working through The Writing Book
               by Kate Grenville.
               I don't remember where I saw it recommended or I'd give you credit.
               It is helping me to keep unlocking the subconscious ideas I already
               hold within me.

Rule #4: Enjoy my family - after all, this is vacation!

These are my writing goals for this summer, and I anxiously await my journey.


  1. By sharing your goals, you have encouraged the rest of us to stick to our writing goals as well! I plan to check out Greenville's book. Enjoy vacation, and keep writing!!!!

  2. Your vacation location sounds gorgeous and ideal for lots of writing time! Wi-fi is one of my biggest obstacles. Well, self-control is one of my biggest obstacles. But if Wi-fi weren't available, the self-control wouldn't be such a problem! I'll be popping in and out of Teachers Write too. Such an amazing PD opportunity!

  3. Thanks for sharing about teacher's write! You've inspired me to sign up.It'll help me with my summer goal to write more. :)
    --Jee Young

  4. I had to read your Slice because it sounded a lot like mine! I've never had good luck being faithful with Teacher's Write and always end up feeling guilty, so this year I didn't sign up; however, I will still look at the posts when I can and try some out. Sounds like you have great goals for the summer! Good luck!

  5. These are great writing goals - and I love Rule #4! Enjoy!

  6. Very sensible rules! I'm going to look into The Writing Book -- thanks for the ideas.

  7. Tracy, I've been alongside the Rock Creek River in Montana and sat there. . . with my notebook. I am greatly jealous and I would give anything to be there again. There is nothing like the beauty of Montana for writing inspiration. Your goals are perfect. Your most important one is giving yourself permission to not be perfect. :-) Good luck!
