Monday, December 19, 2011

Find a New Blog - Day 4

Today I am to find a new blog about literature that I enjoy.  I follow several blogs already, but I searched to see what else is out there...I found a GREAT one.  I have never seen this one before, though many of you probably have.  It is YABC or Young Adult Book Central. It turns out that there is actually a website too: website.


 I like how this blog has different people posting book reviews.  They seem to do a "Trailer Tuesday" and I have found lists of new releases here and there in the blogs.  I soon found giveaway contests, which led me to the whole website.  There is tons to explore!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for participating today. I've heard of this website and thought I'd had visited it before, but maybe it doesn't look familiar. Maybe they've changed their design. It looks full of information.
